Hump Day Humor

Slow down, emotions

0 Comments 30 January 2013


Back to work this week for me, and back to school for Noah. Yeesh, the transitions, they are coming fast and furious. The pace of our days has quickened to a new fury. Nighttime is full of preparations for a smooth morning: lunches packed (mine, his), outfit laid out (mine), various accessories (pump, phone, planner, purse) gathered in one spot, etc. This is after getting Max to sleep (easy) and then Noah (easy) and Rosie ( … not as easy). We’ve raised things to a whole different level — a full-time working, daycare-going, second grade rocking level.

In addition to all that new moving and shaking and shuffling, my parents are both here keeping Max for us this week (hallelujah) which while it means I have zero worries while at my job and dinner on the table (dinner on the table!!!) when I get home, also means that there are two more people under our roof. Actually, make that three, because a week ago, we had a renter move into our upstairs room. Add him to the downstairs apartment occupant and there are currently nine people living here. And seven of us are using the same bathroom.

But Wednesday we got our act together enough to get out the door in time to trek the block and a half to the school for the first day of second grade. As we left, Noah said, “I know I’ve done this before, but I still feel scared.” I told him I was a little scared on the first day of everything, even the first day of college. Even the first day of my job. “College would be the scariest,” he said. And then I thought about him starting college. Not the best state for my low-on-sleep brain just before leaving him at school for a brand new year. Slow it on down, emotion train. We’re still in elementary school.

So, I don’t really have a point here, cohesiveness is not my forte these days, but I just wanted to make sure that even though our house is bursting at the seams, bedtime is a three-ring circus, and I’m averaging four to five hours of sleep a night (due in part to the Olympics, I’ll be honest. USA!), there is some marker of this day in Noah’s life. First time as a second grader. Moving on, moving up, a little afraid, but walking forward anyway.

May it always be so.

Editor’s note: We’re traveling back in time a bit to recount the beginning of Rachel’s life as a mom of three. She lives with her husband and brood in Decatur. She blogs at

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